Autumn is well and truly here and we can hear how strong the winds have been of late. I was walking into a training room out of Melbourne and felt so chilly. Within moments I was asking for tissues as my nose started to run and had to put my palms on my ears as they felt like ice.
Wherever I go I remember to keep Comb T – FIRST stage of illness in my bag. I quickly chewed 1 before my training and then another while I was walking back to my car and I drove home without having to reach for my tissue – goodness me how grateful I am to share my Schuessler tips with everyone I meet.
I woke up today and now it’s 10am and have taken a few more and will stay on Comb T for the week and I know my immunity will be stronger as our cells need Ferr Phos 6X & Kali Mur 6x – the dynamic duo in Comb T so we can soldier on no matter the weather outside and to return to our inner balance to face our day in good health.
Comb T is a great combination to have in your first aid chest, your car, bag or in your drawer at work as the go to tissue salt if you experience the first signs of a cold, chill or just need an oxygen boost.